Whew! That was fun! We just wrapped up our absolutely amazing Fantasy Unit of Study in Reader's Workshop! The kids learned and grew so much as readers. Kate and I are SO proud of their efforts, discussions, and excitement!
Now that we are done, it is time to assess their understanding. While we have our pre and post assessments and Fantasy Packet Rubric, we still want to give our students ownership over their learning. As we have mentioned in other blogposts, we LOVE using "Learning Models" to assess our student learning. We find them to be more authentic, our students love them because they are in charge, and they really raise the depth of knowledge levels!
Here is our Fantasy Learning Model:
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Click image to be taken to our TpT store! |
This time around, we really wanted to explore some new tools! Our students are kind of "done" with Google Presentations. They have done SO many in their 2 years with us. We are always looking to "mix it up". They love to help with this, too! One of our very "with it" students, introduced us to:
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Click to go to the emaze site! |
Now, prepared to be "emazed" :) This tool is so cool! It is a great new way for students to present their information. They love the options and the 3-D effects that they offer! There is a paid component to this for educators that we will be exploring next year. Being so late into the year, we are testing it out using the "free version" for now! We had so much fun learning how to use it. We decided to complete our "mentor learning model" using it, too!
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Click to go to our "Emazing" example! |
As is typical in our environment, lots of kids chose to use this new tool once it was introduced. But we still had a few that chose to go with other options (one even chose to CODE his learning model using Khan Academy! #mindblown!!!)
Here are a couple of fun examples for you to check out!
STUDENT #1 (Prezi link)
STUDENT #2 (Emaze link)
STUDENT #3 (Emaze link)
Like I said, we couldn't be prouder of their work! We even had a few groups that chose to continue on with their series outside of our Reader's Workshop block (wowsers!). Up next?-Historical Fiction! We have a fun spin on how to run these book clubs, so please check back soon to read all about it!
What fun tech tools have you used for student work? Do you know of other fun presentation tools? Feel free to sound off below! We would love to grow and learn with you!
Happy Teaching,